World War II - America's Home Front


I have already discussed what a "home front" is--it is the civilian areas during times of war.  "Civilians" refers to any people who are not involved in the war, even if their country may be involved.  

World War II took place between 1939 and 1945 and involved many, many countries.  The United States, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, France, and Japan were just a few of the countries involved in this war.  The links on the page directly after this one will provide you with a better overview of the war.   

Search Terms - or, Keywords

When you are searching for this topic you will have to enter several terms.  You will always want to enter "World War II" (or "World War 2") in quotations.  This will help you get hits for that whole phrase.  You can put different terms after that phrase, just make sure you keep that phrase together so your results will be about World War II.  You do not want information to come up about different wars!  Here is a list of sample search terms, or keywords, to use in your quest!

World War II

World War 2

World War 1939-1945

World War II home front

America home front

Victory Garden

food ration

World War II children

World War II kids

scrap drive

Searching in your library

Books on this subject will be found in the j940 section, which is the section dealing with World War.  If you want to look in the adult section for books you can find them in the 940 section as well.  Ask your librarian or teacher for help if you cannot find the books you need.